Danny Steyne is about The Mountain… The Mountain Of The Lord … recoined by Jesus as The Kingdom of God. He doesn’t live for his ministry but for the ministry of Jesus throughout the earth. His purpose is to release that message and the impact of it wherever he goes. His desire is to bless The Church that Jesus initiated so that it will look like the Church that Jesus wants. He is a best selling author on Amazon. He has been in ministry as a both a pastor and a father to many. Through forty plus years of ministry there have been many miracles, healings, and signs & wonders but his hearts’ intention is to bring people into an intimacy with Jesus and passionate and effective love for the lost and the found. He travels throughout the world carrying this message of love, joy, freedom, and hope. He is married to his best friend Karen.
Karen Steyne carries an amazing pastoral and hospitality anointing as they lead together in New England. She is know for her authentic and real Christian walk, caring for people as a true Shepherd to the flock of God. Her ability to communicate truth for practical living is sought out by the many who see her as a pastor. She often leads groups, particularly women, in deeper relationship with the Lord and each other. They both are watching The Mountain Of The Lord emerge around them. They are parents to many children and grandchildren, both naturally and spiritually around the world. www.themountain.org
Tues to Fri 9AM - 3PM