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Tuesdays are our ongoing "main" gathering! (What? Not Sundays? - Nope... We've found that Holy Spirit comes regardless of the day!) People come from literally all over New England... many drive 1, 2, and even 4 and 5 hours... some of them drive weekly for an hour or two! People from about 50 nations, and about 45 states have been in this house, some literally flying from across the earth for a "Tuesday Night" gathering.... The Lord has been good! We never know how many will come (sometimes whether affects it, which drew our smallest gathering of about ten people.... but we've also had gatherings of 150 and 200 which tends to be a little crowded, but a lot of fun! 

Some arrive at 6pm because they want to bring food and share with the family before the gathering begins... we've found this to be a very special time and often ministry happens and relationships certainly are strengthened. Feel free to bring food to share and come at 6pm. Please DO NOT arrive earlier... as we often have quite a bit to prepare and also utilize the earlier time to meet as facilitators and leaders. Thanks for understanding!

To stay informed weekly, about gathering cancellations or location changes, please subscribe to either "MOWTribe" on Signal at MOWTribe or on Facebook at MOWTribe (FB)

Welcome! (We enter through the garage... you'll see when you get here!)

Danny Steyne